Our Story

Hello welcome to Rescued Grace! 

In 2021, I took a leap of Faith, quit a job that was draining me and devoted more time to my Church and Family; I became the “Family CEO" and I loved it, but God wasn’t done with me yet. I felt a pull to help those around me.  Somehow, some way, I needed to share Gods word, to brighten someone’s day and as a First Responders’ wife, I wanted to honor those on the front line.  We never really know what someone is battling, do we? BUT what if a simple saying or image reminded them that we saw them…. That we could be their beacon during a storm…. or just bring a smile to their face on a stressful day.  What if we could just spark a conversation between two strangers by simply wearing a t-shirt or carrying a drink with a saying that spoke to them?  How many lives could we save?  How many friendships could be made?

After much prayer, discussion, and research two years later Rescued Grace was born.  Our Mission is to spread Faith, hope, and love to our world.  Everything we create is inspired by a Bible verse, a song, or an idea that reminds us of our mission.  We are so thankful that you took the time to learn about us, we hope that you will help us make this world a better, kinder place.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love.  But the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13